Sunday, September 14, 2014

Classroom Tour

I'm late to the game...

I promised a tour via instagram 2 weeks ago and then things got hectic. My nephew was born 8 weeks early (he and mommy are doing great!) and then school started and man was it crazy!

So here is a picture tour of ourclassroom!

Welcome to Room 10!!

We take attendance using popsicle sticks and then one of the class jobs is to check and make sure everyone has checked in and let me know who is absent and who is buying lunch.

The class job chart! Most jobs have two workers on them now...I forgot how important buddies were in 2nd grade. Summer brain.

Back counter where I keep supplies.

Our word wall!

Computers and "Wonderful Work" Bulletin Board.

Classroom birthdays and calendar wall.

Polka dot caddies!

Horizontal and vertical examples.

Early Bird board for those speedy kiddos!

Ready for the first day!

How i organize my small group reading area.

Classroom Library! So much better this year!

Mailboxes that I jazzed up with washi tape.

The emptiest my desk will ever look...

My bookshelf to hold all my curriculum and stuff.

Rotation charts for Literacy and Math.

Star of the Week area. The poster hangs in the middle.

Writing center! I clip great examples from students up with the clothespins.

And there is my photo dump! It's super late...but it's done! 
Now, off to watch football and plan for another crazy week in 2nd!

Teaching Kati Lesson: I'm not setting blogging deadlines for myself anymore. Totally pointless. I would rather devote my time to my kiddos and only blog when I have something really great to share. Trying to come up with things to blog about it too much of a full-time job when I already have a full-time job!


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Literacy Rotations Chart

Hey there!

It's been a busy day! I went into school today to help unpack all the new literacy curriculum our district purchased for the upcoming school year. It's all Common Core aligned and for our school, not too different. My curriculum advisor described it best when she said, "It's not really the what that changed but the how." That means a lot of the books are the same but how we teach it is going to be different. I'm super excited about that! I love supplementing my lessons with other stuff but it can be exhausting. I'm hoping this curriculum will be more interesting for the kiddos (and me!)

We're almost three weeks away from starting school back up and I'm so stoked! I love meeting my new kiddos! I've been working on some fun stuff for the classroom and thought I'd share!

I just finished my literacy rotations chart and it is. So. Flippin'. Cute!

I have time for four rotations a day in my class so I can't call it a true Daily Five. I use some of the methods from Daily Five but switch it up to work for my kiddos and myself. It's super easy to know where kids should be because I just follow a stair step method. In the picture I put "Read with Teacher" in the first row, first slot and then in the second row, second slot, and so on. When you get to the end, you start it in the first slot on the next row down. Does that make sense? If I confused you, you can always just copy the picture...that would have been the smart thing to say off the bat. The nice thing to is if you don't want to move all the cards, just move the groups. :)

In this next picture you see that I have "Listen to Reading" behind the "Word Work" card. I can't fit both in everyday so I alternate these two.

I've made this available to you all FOR FREE! Yipee! It may not stay free though so grab it while you can! I made some adjustments as well. I know a lot of you probably do a true daily five or have larger classes so I added another rotation card and two other color groups. I hope this helps! Because this is free I do ask that you rate it on Teachers Pay Teachers. I love to fix up my products, make better things, and also selfishly accept your praises. ;)

Click HERE to download it! 

Well that's it for today! It's way too late here so I'm off to bed. Hope you all enjoy the rest of your week!

Teaching Kati lesson: Don't volunteer to move boxes and then lift weights at the gym the night before. Ouch!


Thursday, July 31, 2014

Summer! Freebie!

Hey friends! I hope your summer has been wonderful so far! I've been taking a bit of time off and now I'm getting ready to gear up for the school year! I've been working on some cool stuff and I do have a freebie for you! If you want to skip over everything else in this post, I totally won't hold it against you! The freebie is at the bottom. :)

So I have found a new love this summer. Hiking! This totally shocked me because I don't really consider myself an outdoorsy person. I have been fairly athletic the past five years but I tend to stick to the treadmill at my gym! Here are a couple pics from the hike! (P.S. I don't know why my iPhone took all my pictures in this weird may have been lighting).

Creepy but really cool swamp!
Another cool place I've been spending a lot of time at is this little family cafe near my house. The pastries are UNREAL and the coffee is ridiculous! I'm a bit of a coffee snob now! Look at how pretty it is!

One last thing before that freebie. I joined instagram! Now I am not really a huge user of social media but I realized how many picures I was sending back and forth in front of people, so why not share some of those gems? My instagram is @teachingkati and you can see my images in the upper left hand corner of the screen. :) Fancy!

Now for that freebie! I took the time (and this one didn't take much time) and made comic paper! Kiddos can write captions and thought/speech bubbles to help explain their story (a lesson on graphic features, anyone?) It's really simple but the kids love it! A longer, more complex version of this is coming for older grades or to swap out for late in the year when the kids are ready to make their stories more complex.

Use this for your writing center, as a part of your literacy centers, or for early finishers! The kids may beg you to let them write comics!
Click the picture to download! :)
That's all for now but I'll be back, hopefully more frequently! Enjoy your summers!

Teaching Kati Lesson: Instagram widgets are really easy to install. Phew!


Sunday, May 4, 2014

Things I'm Glad I Do

Every school year has ups and downs. A few months back I hit a pretty hard down. I spoke with my teaching mentor who put some things in perspective. I told them I felt like the kids weren't getting as much as I wanted to give. That I wasn't having these amazing five star lessons like others in the building who have been teaching for awhile. I told them that I felt like I couldn't please everyone. It was just such a downer feeling.

My mentor stopped me and said the best thing I think I could have heard at that moment, "That's crap."

I stood there stunned before I plopped down into my chair and stared at them. "What?" I asked.

"That's crap." I won't attempt to quote them word for word for the rest but in essence they told me that it was the crappy part of winter when everyone is bummed out, including parents and kids and that veteran teachers offer a different style just like new teachers. They said that my kiddos were just getting something different, not worse.

That got me thinking. If I'm only seeing negative things, maybe it's time that I looked for somethings I love doing and that I'm glad I do. So, I sat down, made a short list, and here it is!

1) Post-it Note Journals

I try to have the kiddos write in their journals three mornings a week. When they walk in, their journals are lined up on the floor and they grab them and head to their desk to write. First let me explain why I line them up on the floor. I'm a bit lazy. I hate trying to find their desks. We switch desks once a month and I can get their placement down within a day or so but if I can save some time, why not? But back to the post-its. When I asked the kiddos to finish their last sentence for the morning, they place a post-it note at the top of their page. This makes it easier for me to find their latest entry. I then use the post-it to give them one compliment and one question or suggestion. The students sometimes go back and change things about their writing or implement the changes in their next piece. Some teachers want their students to make the changes to that piece of writing but I have a different view. If you're an author and your story is just not working out, why waste a bunch of time trying to fix it? I think you are better served taking the good parts from what you just wrote and good suggestions you've been given, and then working on something you're interested in.

I'm also glad I read each journal entry because then I get to see little gems like this one:
It reads, "P.S. I know a lot about birds."

2) Paper Subject Organization

I have a pretty organized classroom. I'm actually a little too proud of that fact. Now don't think all areas of my life are meticulously organized (don't look in my closet...) but my classroom stays clean and put together. One way I do this is to keep my own stuff organized. At the beginning of the year, I had these bins organized by day but it wasn't working. Days just change too often so instead, I started organizing handouts, tests, lessons, and papers by subject. On Monday mornings, when I do a majority of my copying, I organize all the stuff for the week. It's great because if something changes (like it always does) I have everything I need to change the plan.

3) Door Decorations

I've previously shown this door dec and my other ones. I. LOVE. DOOR. DECORATIONS. It's so much fun to put up a door dec after school and hear the cute little giggles when the kids discover it in the morning. I have so much fun doing them as well. It gives me a chance to be creative and a lot of times, I do it at home in front of the TV and it relaxes me.

I'll leave it at those three for now but it's a great reminder to myself to just be happy with the hard work I do. I hope it reminds you to think about your teaching as well! If you're feeling down, think about the good things going on in your classroom! 

Teaching Kati Lesson: You won't always be happy with how things are going but you should take a chance to appreciate the good going on in your classroom. I bet there is a lot of amazing things happening.



Saturday, May 3, 2014


I've been totally MIA. This first year teaching business is crazy. Crazy fun, but also just plain crazy. I've been working on a ton of things lately and I'm ready to share one of them! I've finally opened up a TPT store. I realized how many things I was making from scratch to help my kiddos extend their learning and it made since to have a way to share them!

This one is a freebie! :)

So far, it's the only thing up but I'm working on fixing up a bunch of my worksheets with fonts and things that don't break copyright laws.

In other news, here is the door decoration I had up for a few months after the Halloween one:

This seems to be the fan favorite so far. I think part of it is because you can see the window, which was a pain in the behind to measure and cut!

This is the newest door decoration that I put up for Earth Day and will probably stay up until June.

I think it's hilarious! The kiddos love it and several parents have popped their heads in to share a laugh.

I do have to note that these last two door dec ideas were from Pinterest and we modified a bit to fit both my door and my abilities! 

I have a huge back log of pictures and work that I will be blogging about soon. I had a hard time blogging about it all on time. First year teaching is crazy!

Teaching Kati Lesson: I don't have to have it all. I tried super hard at the beginning of the year to manage 23 kids, handle other teacher responsibilities, take on extra jobs at school, have a TPT store, and blog. Phew! I'm glad I put off the blog and TPT store for awhile and just focused on the kiddos.

