Saturday, May 3, 2014


I've been totally MIA. This first year teaching business is crazy. Crazy fun, but also just plain crazy. I've been working on a ton of things lately and I'm ready to share one of them! I've finally opened up a TPT store. I realized how many things I was making from scratch to help my kiddos extend their learning and it made since to have a way to share them!

This one is a freebie! :)

So far, it's the only thing up but I'm working on fixing up a bunch of my worksheets with fonts and things that don't break copyright laws.

In other news, here is the door decoration I had up for a few months after the Halloween one:

This seems to be the fan favorite so far. I think part of it is because you can see the window, which was a pain in the behind to measure and cut!

This is the newest door decoration that I put up for Earth Day and will probably stay up until June.

I think it's hilarious! The kiddos love it and several parents have popped their heads in to share a laugh.

I do have to note that these last two door dec ideas were from Pinterest and we modified a bit to fit both my door and my abilities! 

I have a huge back log of pictures and work that I will be blogging about soon. I had a hard time blogging about it all on time. First year teaching is crazy!

Teaching Kati Lesson: I don't have to have it all. I tried super hard at the beginning of the year to manage 23 kids, handle other teacher responsibilities, take on extra jobs at school, have a TPT store, and blog. Phew! I'm glad I put off the blog and TPT store for awhile and just focused on the kiddos.



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