Friday, October 25, 2013

Bat (ghost and star) Mobile

It was too tempting for me to call this the Batmobile, but with a little self-control, I resisted combining the words.

Today in Science, my kiddos needed to build a mobile that had two balance points instead of one and that had four counterweights. Much more difficult than the first mobile they made that only had one balance point and two counterweights.

Now, I do not like things hanging from my ceiling and when I say I do not like it, I mean I HATE it. I think it looks cluttered and it brings out the A.D.D. in even the most die hard focusers. In order to combat this, I came up with the "brilliant" idea to make it Halloween themed so it 1) acted as decorations for our Halloween party next week and 2) I could take them down November 1st with no hurt feelings or complaints. So cutting out 22 bats, 22 ghosts, and 22 stars and this was the outcome.


So yes, my tune has changed. Will it change permantly? Probably not. The big question is how many of these spooky mobiles will survive our central air system come Monday...

But come on, how can you not smile when you see a pirate ghost...
 ...or even a ghostly Harry Potter???
 To add to the fall festivities, I made this gem and put it on my classroom door. I'm pretty, darn proud. It took me forever but was so worth it! The kiddos loved it and the teachers got a kick out of it too!

Teaching Kati Lesson: Ghosts take a really long time to cut out and thank God for my mom who cut out the bats. It saved my sanity! Also, I learned that mobiles are not possible without 2 parent helpers.



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